Total lung deposition fraction (TDF) of inhaled monodisperse aerosol was measured in conscious sheep after induction of four different kinds of airway obstruction: 1) bronchoconstriction over the entire tracheobronchial airway, 2) localized and asymmetric airway obstruction, 3) local airway obstruction by accumulated mucus, and 4) mild small airways obstruction by induced secretions. TDF was measured in situ by means of laser aerosol photometer while sheep rebreathed 1.0 μm diameter monodisperse sebacate oil aerosol with a constant breathing pattern. TDF increased consistently after induction of airways obstructions regardless of the type of obstructions used. Enhanced TDF was often observed with mild airways obstructions that could not be detected by conventional pulmonary function tests. The results suggest that TDF may be used as a sensitive index of overall airways abnormality.