Comparing short protein substructures by a method based on backbone torsion angles

An efficient algorithm was characterized that determines the similarity in main chain conformation between short protein substructures. The algorithm computes Δt, the root mean square difference in ϕ and ψ torsion angles over a small number of amino acids (typically 3–5). Using this algorithm, large number of protein substrates comparisons were feasible. The parameter Δt was sensitive to variations in local protein conformation, and it correlates with Δr, the root mean square deviation in atomic coordinates. Values for Δt were obtained that define similarity thresholds, which determine whether two substructure are considered structurally similar. To set a lower bound on the similarity threshold, we estimated the component of Δt due to measurement noise fromcomparisons of independently refined coordinates of the same protein. A sample distribution of Δt from nonhomologous protein comparisons identified an upper bound on the similarity threshold, one that refrains from incorporating large numbers of nonmatching comparisons large numbers of nonmatching comparisons. Unlike methods based on Cα atoms alone, Δt was sensitive to rotations in the peptide plane, shown to occur in several proteins. Comparisons of homologus proteins by Δt showed that the active site torsion angles are highly conserved. The Δt method was applied to the α‐chain of human hemoglobin, where it readily demonstrated the local differences in the structures of different ligation states.