Influence of Emotional Stress on the Renal Circulation

To ascertain the effect of emotional stress on the renal circulation cats were confronted with a barking dog. A rage reaction was thereby evoked during which India ink was injected through a catheter inserted via the common carotid artery into the aorta. The distribution of India ink in the kidney differed essentially from that in a kidney from a cat at rest. Thus the cortex was more or less devoid of India ink in a spotted or more uni- form manner while the medulla revealed a greater concentration of India ink, mostly in the subcortical layer. The juxtamedullary glomeruli did not deviate in any way from the others in mode of reaction or degree of ink penetration. The anemization of the kidney in a state of emotional stress ought to be regarded in a consideration of the patho-genesis of essential hypertension.

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