Sexual behavior of clients with street prostitutes in Camden, NJ

This paper describes the sexual behaviors of 101 male clients with female street prostitutes. An earlier study (Freund, Leonard, & Lee, 1989) was limited to sexual behaviors of street prostitutes themselves. Interviews were given by 62% of the clients approached. The clients were mature men (mean = 39.8 years), long‐term residents of Camden, NJ (mean = 19.2 years), and currently or previously married (78/101). Racial composition was similar to the general population of the area, 65% white, 33% black, 2% Asian. Clients reported a mean of 5.3 years of using prostitution, with 81% having been clients of Camden prostitutes for more than a year. Most were regular (or repeat) clients; 93% monthly or more frequently, and 63% weekly or more frequently. About one‐half (55%) reported sex with the same prostitute or same small group of prostitutes. The primary meeting place was the street (78/101) and 43% of the sexual encounters took place in the clients' cars. Ejaculation into the vagina was most frequently reported (43/101), followed by ejaculation into the mouth (39/101) Reports of condom use were substantial; 72% for vaginal and 33% for oral intercourse (mean = 58% of encounters).