The cats of Herekopare Island, New Zealand; their history, ecology and affects on birdlife

House cats (Felis catus) were introduced to Herekopare Island, a mammal-free island of about 28 ha near Stewart Island, in about 1925. In winter 1970, the total population of 33 cats (20 males, 13 females) — a density of 1.2 cats/ha — was killed, mainly by trapping. Examination of stomach contents and scats showed that the cats fed mainly on petrels, supplemented by land birds and insects. The bird life of Herekopare Island was studied by H. Guthrie-Smith in 1911, L. E. Richdale in the early 1940s, and by New Zealand Wildlife Service staff in 1968 and 1970. Their accounts indicate that a vast breeding population of diving petrels and thousands of broad-billed prions were probably exterminated by the cats, though fairy prions and sooty shearwaters persisted. Among land birds, the yellow-crowned parakeet, robin, fernbird, brown creeper, Stewart Island snipe, and banded rail were exterminated. Two other species, the red-crowned parakeet and tomtit, probably disappeared but subsequently recolonised the island. Although cats had the greatest influence on the bird life over this period, wekas, which were present for some years, together with changes in the vegetation, may have affected some bird populations.