The value of laparoscopy in women with chronic pelvic pain and a “normal pelvis”

Laparoscopy was performed on 186 women complaining of pelvic pain of at least 6 mo. duration. In all these cases, the routine pelvic examination and other medical and laboratory tests were negative. Laparoscopy revealed pelvic pathology in only 8.2%; in the vast majority (91.8%) entirely normal pelvic organs were seen. Evidence from the literature is compiling as to the psychogenic origin of most cases of chronic pelvic pain. Recently, it has been shown that laparoscopically negative pelvic pain can be relieved or abolished by psychological intervention. Since pathological findings on laparoscopy are of very low percentage and since the pain is psychogenic in most cases, the value of routine laparoscopy in chronic pelvic pain is very low. It is proposed that all women with chronic pelvic pain and normal pelvic examination should undergo psychological assessment and treatment if necessary. Laparoscopy should then be reserved for only those cases who show no amelioration on psychological intervention. It is estimated that this approach would reduce the rate of laparoscopies performed for chronic pelvic pain by .apprx. 90%.

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