Relation of Water Temperature to Bacterial Kidney Disease in Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), Sockeye Salmon (O. nerka), and Steelhead Trout (Salmo gairdneri)

Juvenile coho salmon (O. kisutch), sockeye salmon (O. nerka) and steelhead trout (S. gairdneri) were infected by i.p. injection of a suspension of the causative organism of bacterial kidney disease at 7 experimental temperatures from C. In coho salmon and steelhead trout, percent mortality was maximal (78-100%) in the range of C. As the temperature increased above C, mortality declined progressively; at C it was only 8-14%. The 2 highest temperatures had some suppressing effect on the disease, which was greatest at C. In sockeye salmon this was not apparent, as percent mortality was essentially 100% at all temperatures from C; this species appeared to be highly susceptible to the disease agent. Temperature also influenced the mean number of days between infection and death. This interval was shortest in all 3 species of salmonids at the higher temperatures, varying from 21-34 days at C. It increased progressively as temperature decreased below this range; at C it varied from 60-71 days among the 3 spp.