Group I reflex functions, namely monosynaptic reflex transmission, facilitation of synergists, and direct and disynaptic inhibition, show early post-tetanic potentiation following conditioning with a brief, high frequency, tetanus. Of these reflex functions, monosynaptic transmission always shows low frequency depression. Direct inhibitory pathways, and therefore inhibitory junctions, are insensitive to low frequency depression. The fact that direct inhibition can be potentiated shows it to be sufficiently labile that a decrease in efficacy at inhibitory junctions during repetitive activity should be revealed. Disynaptic inhibition often shows low frequency depression. As it is likely that inhibitory junctions in the direct and disynaptic pathways are similar, the low frequency depression of disynaptic inhibition is probably due to the properties of the excitatory relay between afferent fibers and interneurons in that pathway. Facilitation between synergists is often more depressed when the conditioning and testing volleys are nearly simultaneous than when they are separated by 1 to 1.5 msec. This result indicates that an early and rapid phase of action, responsible for homonymous and heteronymous transmission, is more sensitive to low frequency depression than is residual facilitation. In general, reflex transmission is more sensitive than are other aspects of action by group I fibers to events concurrent with and following repetitive activation.