A morphometric comparison of the nasopharyngeal airway of laboratory animals and humans

Solid silicone rubber casts of the nasopharyngeal and laryngeal regions of a human cadaver (child, 3 years old) and a laboratory primate (baboon, 10 years old) were made, and cross‐sectional areas were measured in detail. Cross‐sectional areas of other species reported in the published literature were used for comparison. In the child's nose cast, the frontal nasal duct (frontonasal duct), which enters the anterior part of the middle meatus, and the sphenoidal recess were almost absent. The ethmoidal turbinates (superior and middle concha) and the maxillary turbinates (inferior concha) were present but were not fully developed. In the baboon nose, the different turbinates were well defined and smooth but of a less complex nature than the child's nose. Of the species compared, the baboon's upper airways had the greatest similarity to the human child's. The present study shows that for the species investigated and for those from the literature, the cross‐sectional area increases from the external nares to the maxilloturbinate region (inferior concha). There is a relatively sudden drop in cross‐sectional area about halfway through the nose. The present study suggests a functional relationship between nasal structure and cross‐sectional area across species.