High‐Temperature Selective Membranes for Hydrogen Separation

Palladium‐silver alloy films (5‐8 μm) were deposited onto porous ‘Vycor’ glass tubes by the process of magnetron sputtering. The films were characterised by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), relative light transmission and electrical resistivity respectively. A membrane reactor capable of operating at high temperatures (573‐773K) was used to study the permeability characteristics of the membranes in relation to hydrogen gas from a 60% H2 40% N2 feed gas mixture. The membranes were found to be 100% selective for hydrogen with adequate permeation flux. A limiting purge rate of 500 cm3 (STP)/min was found to be sufficient to double the hydrogen permeation rate for a total feedrate of 350 cm3(STP)/min.