The present paper is a slightly extended copy of a lecture given before the Danish Geological Society January 1959. At the same meeting Dr. J. Troels-Smith read a paper, and both lectures were followed by a discussion . The author's contribution to the discussion is incorporated in the present account.As the title indicates the paper deals with problems under debate. Because the author cannot, in this brief outline, express his hesitations in every single case, he wants to emphasize once and for all that the ecological interpretations are tentative only. Yet, he thinks the questions will have to be formulated and answered ecologically. However, the answers should be checked by an independent method. Fortunately this will be possible in many cases thanks to advanced methods now to hand, e.g. exact datings by radiocarbon.A more complete discussion of the ecological background for the author's interpretation will be given in connection with a full report of our investigations in Draved forest. I take this opportunity to thank the Carlsberg Foundation for its generous support to these investigations, the present paper is largely based on experience derived from them.Most of the problems of Post-glacial forest history have indeed been discussed in the well-known books by Firbas (1949) and Godwin (1956), which in addition contain complete references. The reader is referred to these books. The drawings have been most skilfully executed by Miss Ingeborg Frederiksen.

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