The rate of growth of all faces appearing on polished single-crystal spheres of alkali halides was measured under carefully controlled conditions, and the influcene of small additions of 25 inorganic cations was determined. A method for measuring growth rates of individual faces after a short period of growth was developed. Cd 2+ and Pb 2+ showed the most pronounced influence on different alkali halides: The growth velocities of all faces are diminished. Those growing fastest in pure solutions, however, are more sensitive to smaller additions; they then show a morphological importance which is lost again when the concentration is further increased. The effect can be explained quantitatively as adsorption of foreign ions at growth centers on all faces according to Langmuir isothermes. The preferred adsorption of Cd 2+ and Pb 2+ cannot be explained by geometrical similarity between crystal structure and adsorbed particle.

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