Giant moment and ferromagnetism in dilute Pd(Mn) alloys

The magnetization σ of a series of Pd(Mn) alloys has been measured as a function of concentration c (0.05at.% Mnc2.45at.% Mn), temperature (1.4T260 K) and applied field (0H210 kOe). The average saturation moment (for c0.49-at% Mn) is μsat=7.5μB/Mn. The saturation moment is consistent with the effective moment obtained from the low-field susceptibility (which obeys the Curie-Weiss law) provided that we take S=52 (from the specific heat) and geff=μS3. For c0.23-at.% Mn and T3.5 the magnetization as a function of T and H is well described by the molecular-field model (with S=52 and geff3) without any adjustable parameters. The magnetic field dependence of the specific heat yields an independent measure of the magnetic moment of Mn, which agrees with the magnetization data, and thus also leads to an enhanced effective g value. For the most concentrated alloys 210 kOe is not quite sufficient to saturate the solute magnetization. This is attributed to near-neighbor (Mn-Mn) antiferromagnetic interactions. Curie temperatures (TC) and Curie-Weiss temperatures () were measured and compared with data from the literature and with corresponding data on Pd(Fe) and Pd(Co). Up to 1 at.% the variations of TC vs c are similar for Pd(Mn), Pd(Fe), and Pd(Co), and the variations of vs c are also similar. A plot of σ2 vs Hiσ (Hi is the internal field) for Pd(1.3-at.% Mn) shows that the magnetic transition is very sharp with a width comparable to that of the specific-heat cusp (i.e., less than 1% of T). The spontaneous magnetization of three Pd(Mn) alloys was measured as a function of T and the coefficient of the low-temperature (TTC)32 term yielded a value for the spin-wave stiffness constant D0.7TC ÅK2, in agreement with the results obtained by others from the magnetoresistance. The spontaneous magnetization and the high-field saturation behavior are used to estimate the energy of direct antiferromagnetic interactions between the neighboring Mn atoms (EintkB55 K) and the number n of sites involved (n35). The magnetic susceptibility of Pd(1-at.% Re) = 4.30×106 emu/g at 4.2 K was determined for comparison with isoelectronic Pd(Mn) alloys.