Observation of a new electronic transition in N2 at 31.4 eV by means of high energy electron impact spectroscopy

A new transition in molecular nitrogen at an energy loss of 31.4±0.5 eV has been observed by high energy electron impact spectroscopy at momentum transfers larger than 2 a.u. The absolute generalized oscillator strength was measured over the momentum transfer range 0.5?K2?5.08 a.u. using 25 and 33 keV electrons. The observed angular behavior of this line suggests that it may be due to a dipole forbidden quadrupole allowed process. The term symbol 1Πg with the electronic configuration (2sσg)−1 (2pπg)1 is tentatively assigned to this transition and it is suggested that this state may decay into the D 2Πg state of N+2 by Auger cascade.