(1) The scattered references in the literature dealing with conducting rubber have been collected together. (2) A résumé of existing ideas on the mechanism of electrical conduction is given, from which certain lines of development work suggested themselves. (3) Electrically conducting Neoprene or rubber compounds based on acetylene black are anisotropic, an effect which is particularly pronounced after extrusion. (4) By the use of fine channel black, either alone or in addition to acetylene black, the transverse conductivity is improved, thus reducing the anisotropy. (5) A further improvement can be obtained by using highly plasticized Neoprene or rubber which reduces the shear during extrusion operations. In the case of Neoprene, zinc oxide is omitted from the mixings to prevent set-up. (6) Conducting tubes having a transverse volume resistivity of 300 ohms per cu. cm., and a longitudinal resistivity of 60 to 70 ohms per cu. cm. have been obtained, using a potential difference of 6 volts. (7) Provisional methods of testing conducting rubber are suggested.