Calibration Correction of an Active Scattering Spectrometer Probe to Account for Refractive Index of Stratospheric Aerosols: Comparison of Results with Inertial Impaction

Real-time particle size spectra are being acquired on our research aircraft with relative ease and speed by techniques that make use of the real-time interaction of laser light with aerosols and cloud droplets. The results are, however, sometimes ambiguous, because the optical “signatures” of the particles depend on their refractive indices in addition to physical dimensions. The calibration supplied by the manufacturer is based on instrument response to a specific test aerosol, e.g., latex spheres (refractive index = 1.59). Such a calibration is strictly valid only for sample aerosols of refractive index and shape similar to the test aerosol. Whenever the sample aerosol differs from the test aerosol, a calibration correction is in order. Of concern here is the use of an active scattering spectrometer probe (ASAS-X), to measure sulfuric acid aerosols on high-flying U-2 and ER-2 research aircraft. Correcting the calibration of the ASAS-X for dilute sulfuric acid droplets (refractive index = 1.44) that predominate the stratospheric aerosol changes the inferred sizes by up to 32% per size interval from that determined from the nominal calibration. This results in an average increase in particle surface area and volume of 42 ± 10% and 71 ± 19%, respectively. The calibration correction of the optical spectrometer probe for stratospheric aerosol is validated by independent and simultaneous sampling of the particles with impactors. Sizing and counting of particles on microphotographs of scanning electron microscope images give results on total particle surface areas and volumes. After the calibration correction, the optical spectrometer data (averaged over four size distributions) agree with the impactor results (similarly averaged) to within a few percent. We conclude that the optical properties, or chemical makeup, of the sample aerosol must be known for accurate size analysis by optical aerosol spectrometers.