Fourth-order quantum-chromodynamic contributions to thee+eannihilation cross section

We compute analytically the logarithmic corrections to the photon propagator to order g4 in massless quantum chromodynamics. With αc=g24π2 defined by momentum-space subtraction, we find that σ(e+ehadrons)σ(e+eμ+μ)=Σqεq2(1+αc+Kαc2+), where K=46348+(85363)Cl2(π3)11ζ(3)+[(23)ζ(3)2336]nf=2.193+0.162nf for nf flavors of quark. The computation is done in momentum space using a novel generalization to 4ε dimensions of the usual Chebyshev-polynomial expansion of Feynman propagators.