The colossal-magnetoresistance compound La1xCaxMnO3 shows a transition to commensurate charge ordering (Mn3+Mn4+) for x=50%. In the range x=4250%, the high-temperature paramagnetic insulating phase transforms first into a conducting ferromagnetic phase at the Curie temperature TC, and at somewhat lower temperature TCO into the charge-ordered phase. The oxygen isotope effect on TC is small in this range, αO=dlnTC/dlnmO0.14. In contrast to this, the charge-ordering transition shows a large and negative isotope effect, i.e., the heavier mass (18O) favors charge ordering. At the border of the existence of the charge-ordered phase, 18O substitution can induce this transition in an 16O sample that does not show this transition. The effect can be reversed by back exchange. These results show the extreme mass dependence of the charge-ordering transition in this system.