The climatological annual cycle of satellite‐derived phytoplankton pigments in the Alboran Sea

The circulation and upwelling processes that control the phytoplankton distribution in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean) are examined from a climatological perspective for the first time. To characterize the annual cycle of the near‐surface phytoplankton patterns, we analyze the monthly distributions of pigments from the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). Two regimes occur: a fall‐to‐winter bloom (November–March) and a non‐bloom period (May–September). These regimes differentiate the basin from other parts of the western Mediterranean, where a significant spring bloom occurs. The newest ocean color data sets available today from the Sea‐viewing Wide Field‐of‐view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) fall within this annual progression. The combined interaction of seasonal stratification, coastal and gyre‐induced upwelling, and horizontal advection control the near‐surface pigment distribution in Alboran, while light availability does not determine the seasonal cycle of pigments.