Evaluating the Impact of a Secondary Transitional Teacher Preparation Program

Special education personnel preparation programs are increasingly placing more emphasis on providing preservice and inservice teachers with competencies needed to help students make successful life transitions. The development, implementation, and evaluation of effective teacher training programs is vital to accomplish effective transition. This research describes a program aimed at increasing teacher competency in secondary transitional programming. Descriptive data including interviews, observation, document analysis, and survey methods were used to provide a view of teachers' efforts to implement the curriculum over a 3-year period. Analysis of the data provided detailed information about the extent of program implementation and 6 factors affecting teachers' local efforts. Most teachers reported change in knowledge, attitudes, behavior, and motivational levels; however, implementation was in an initial or trial stage. Effective teacher training programs must include not only technical knowledge, but also practical skills to help classroom teachers face the challenge of day-to-day realities of schooling.

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