Quadrupolar effect in the perovskite manganiteLa1xSrxMnO3

Elastic properties of the perovskite manganite La1xSrxMnO3(x=0.12,0.165,0.3) with both orbital and charge degrees of freedom have been investigated by means of ultrasonic measurements. Above the structural phase transition point Ts=290K for x=0.12 and Ts=310K for x=0.165, the transverse (C11C12)/2 mode with the elastic strain of Eg symmetry exhibits a pronounced softening, while the C44 mode with strain of T2g symmetry shows a monotonous increase in lowering temperature. The softening of (C11C12)/2 is described in terms of the quadrupolar susceptibility for the coupling between the quadrupolar moment, O20=(2lz2lx2ly2)/3 and O22=lx2ly2, of the dγ doublet of the Mn3+ ion and the appropriate elastic strain with Eg symmetry. Elastic softenings of (C11C12)/2 and C44 modes above Tco=145K of x=0.12 are responsible for the symmetry breaking character of the charge ordering, while a round minimum of the bulk modulus CB around Tco=100K of x=0.165 indicates a glass state in charge ordering. The disappearance of the ultrasonic echo signal below Tco=145K for x=0.12 is ascribed to a considerable sound wave scattering by elastic domains in the triclinic structure.