Clinic characteristics associated with reduced hospitalization of druc users with aids

To identify features of ambulatory care associated with reduced hospitalization among drug users with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). A nonconcurrent prospective study of hospital use by 1,369 drug users with AIDS was conducted using data from New York State Medicaid research data files linked to telephone interview data from directors of ambulatory care clinics serving this group. Follow-up averaged 29 months, during which 88% of subjects were hospitalized at least once. On average, those hospitalized spent 14% of follow-up time as inpatients. Hospitalization was less likely for patients in clinics with case managers (adjusted odds ratio=0.42, 95% confidence interval 0.25, 0.68) or high director’s rating of coordination of care (adjusted odds ratio=0.50, 95% confidence interval 0.29, 0.89). Multivariate analysis showed significantly less time in hospital for patients in clinics with methadone maintenance, case managers, high continuity ratings, and clinic physicians attending for hospitalized clinic patients. Drug users with AIDS rely heavily on inpatient care, but those followed in clinics featuring greater coordination and offering special services, including methadone treatment and case management, appear to have significantly less hospital use.