The influence of flywheel weight and pedalling frequency on the biomechanics and physiological responses to bicycle exercise†

Physiological, subjective and biomechanical effects of altering flywheel weight and pedalling rate on a Quinton Model 870 bicycle ergometer were studied. Steel plates were added to the flywheel to increase its weight to 35.9 kg with a moment of inertia of 1.65 kg m2. A 1.5-kg spoked wheel with a moment of inertia of 0.1 kg m2 was used as the light flywheel. Eight [human] subjects pedalled on 2 separate occasions for 6 min at 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 rpm with workload levels representing 30 and 60% of their .ovrhdot.VO2 max [maximum O2 uptake] with each flywheel. Force plate pedals were used to measure the total resultant force on the pedals (FR) and the component perpendicular to the crank arm (FT). A force effectiveness index (FEI) was defined as the average of FT/FR over a crank cycle. Results showed no statistically significant change (P < 0.05) in .ovrhdot.VO2, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion of the FEI as a function of flywheel weight, except for the .ovrhdot.VO2 at 50 rpm for the light workload. As the rpm increased from 40-90, the FEI decreased from 0.5-0.35 with the heavy load and from 0.36-0.22 with the light load. Measured physiological, subjective and biomechanical indices did not change significantly with flywheel weight. Increasing the pedalling rate caused a significantly less effective application of forces to the crank arm with only a small change in .ovrhdot.VO2.