The general solution of the equations connecting the motion of the two coupled components in an electromagnetic seismograph has been obtained in another paper and it shows that the magnification of a seismograph depend on seven instrumental constants. Using these results, equations and curves have been derived in the present paper from which the Magnification as well as Phase shifts in the response of a seismograph and their variations with damping and coil inductance can be easily obtained. Based on these curves a number of magnification curves for different combinations, which are in operation at the different seismological stations of the world, have been derived. Suitable equations and curves have also been obtained which can be used for estimating the absolute Magnification of a Seismograph. An experimental method of obtaining the frequency response curves of seismographs in their operating condition has been described and the results obtained by this method has been given. It has been indicated how the results incorporated in the present paper can be used in the proper design of seismographs required for the different purposes.