In Vivo Phytochrome Difference Spectrum from Dark Grown Gametophytes of Anemia Phyllitidis L. Sw. Treated with Norflurazon

An in vivo phytochrome difference spectrum of dark grown A. phyllitidis L. Sw. gametophytes was measured. The spectral characteristics estimated from the difference spectrum were as follows: red maximum at 662 nm, far red maximum at 737 nm, isosbestic point at 695 nm and a shoulder from 620 to 630 nm. To diminish the influence of chlorophyll on phytochrome measurements in dark grown gametophytes, total chlorophyll content could be reduced by .apprx. 65% by treatment with 1 .mu.M Norflurazon. In gametophytes grown in red light, the inhibition caused by 1 .mu.M Norflurazon was 97.5%, based on g spores. Total carotenoid content of dark grown gametophytes was not appreciably different from that already present in dry spores. Herbicide treatment reduced this level to .apprx. 60%. Gametophytes grown in red light showed a nearly 7-fold increase in total carotenoids compared with that of the dark control. In treated light grown protonemata, no carotenoid accumulation took place and the level remaining corresponded with that found in treated dark grown protenemata.