Treatment of Massive Hemorrhage after Renal Biopsy with Angiographic Injection of Clot

SURGICAL intervention for control of massive renal hemorrhage after trauma generally results in nephrectomy, or at least, heminephrectomy.1 , 2 We have shown recently that in blunt trauma with persistent hemorrhage angiographic injection of autologous clot into a segmental renal artery stops the bleeding, and rapid subsequent recanalization ensures minimal infarction of renal tissue.3 , 4 We have now employed this technic to control massive hemorrhage after renal biopsy by non-operative means and with minimal sacrifice of renal tissue.Case ReportA 49-year-old man was admitted to the hospital on February 4, 1975, for investigation of hypertension and azotemia. The serum creatinine was 2.7 . . .