The Graft-Versus-Leukemia Effect of Post-transplant Donor Leukocyte Infusion

Tumor relapse remains a major obstacle to the success of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) as a treatment for leukemia. Due to limited treatment options, the outlook for most patients that relapse following allogeneic BMT has been poor. The infusion of normal immunocompetent leukocytes from the original marrow donor has become a promising new option for treating/preventing leukemia relapse in allogeneic BMT recipients. This form of treatment has often been referred to as donor leukocyte infusion (DLI) therapy. Our laboratory is using murine models of allogeneic BMT to address important unresolved issues regarding DLI therapy in an effort to make the treatment more effective. These include identification of the antileukemic effector cells, augmentation of the antileukemic effect, and understanding why graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD) is less severe than anticipated. This article reviews our work in murine models of DLI and introduces our current working hypotheses concerning DLI therapy.