Spatial arrangement of tiller replacement in Agropyron desertorum following grazing

The spatial arrangement of tiller replacement was assessed on grazed and ungrazed tussocks of Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult. for three annual cycles. Frequency distributions of the number of replacement tillers per single progenitor were also determined. Tiller replacement was usually greater on the perimeter of tussocks than within the core, with or without grazing. Replacement was inversely related to grazing intensity, both on the perimeter and within the core of tussocks. Heights of replacement tillers on the perimeter or within the core seldom differed. Furthermore, grazing seldom affected the number of replacement tillers per progenitor. Greater tillering on the perimeter than within the core indicates that the tussocks were expanding. Apparently, grazing neither enhances tussock expansion and subsequent disintegration, nor does it necessarily lead to patches of tillers (multiple tillering per progenitor) within tussocks of A. desertorum.