Liquid-chromatographic measurement of nitrazepam in plasma.

In this simple and rapid "high-performance" liquid-chromatographic method for determining nitrazepam in plasma, serum, or whole blood, the sample at pH 7.4 is extracted into diethyl ether with an internal standard (prazepam), chromatographed, and detected at 280 nm with a fixed-wavelength ultraviolet detector. A specimen, together with standards and a quality control, can be analyzed in duplicate within 90 min. The limit of sensitivity is 5 micrograms/L (nitrazepam and 7-acetamidonitrazepam) and 50 micrograms/L (7-aminonitrazepam), and no interferents have been found. This method has the advantages of a small sample requirement and complete resolution of nitrazepam and the above-mentioned major metabolites. We have used this method for analysis of therapeutic and overdose concentrations of nitrazepam, and to investigate the stability of the drug in blood.