Cytotaxonomy of Helobiae with Special Reference to the Mode of Evolution

A study of 13 spp. and cytotypes distributed over 6 families of the order Helobiae (Engler and Prantl) suggests that in nearly all families polyploidy, aneuploidy along with structural alteration, have played a significant role in evolution at the inter and intraspecific levels. The potential for the origin of cytotypes through structural and numerical variation is prevalent throughout the Helobiae and may occur in both sexual and vegetative reproduction. The Alismataceae and Butomaceae cannot be considered primitive as a whole, since each have a few genera with cytologically advanced characters. The Aponogetonales and Potamogetonales are in the same line of evolution, and their systematic status as indicated by taxonomists is supported by the present cytological investigations. The Najadales, however, represent a distinct line of evolution entirely independent of the former 2 orders. The Hydrocharitaceae is one of the most advanced families of the Helobiae on both cytological and taxonomic evidence.

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