Morphological studies on neuroglia

The cellular response of non-neuronal elements of the pyramidal cell layer of the rat hippocampus, especially the area CA 3, was observed electron microscopically following destruction of this formation by means of intraventricular administration of kainic acid (KA). The neuroglial cell types responding to the KA-induced lesion included astrocytes and the “microglia-like reactive cells”. In addition, numerous brain macrophages appeared in the damaged area CA 3. Oligodendrocytes and pericytes revealed no morphological changes. Swollen astrocytes were seen in the KA-induced lesion during the early stage. Glial filaments gradually developed in the soma and cell processes of these cells. Brain macrophages were seen in the KA-induced lesion during the early stage; they gradually decreased in number with time. Numerous small cells displaying a dark nucleus appeared in the damaged area CA 3 during the first two days after the KA-administration, and gradually increased in number. During the later stage this cell type could hardly be distinguished from the intrinsic microglial cells. It is open to discussion whether this cell type originates from the intrinsic microglial cells or from the hematogenic monocytes; therefore it is designated as “microglia-like reactive cell” in the present study.