Collisional angular-momentum mixing of Rydberg states of Na by He, Ne, and Ar

The collisional angular-momentum mixing of n=515 Na d states with the l>2 states of the same n has been studied using He, Ne, and Ar as collision partners. At rare-gas pressures of ∼1 Torr, the l2 states are thoroughly mixed and the mixture decays at the average radiative lifetime of all the l2 states of the same n. Using ∼1 Torr of neon to collisionally mix the l2 states, the average lifetime for l2 was measured for each n and compared to the theoretical prediction for hydrogen, with which it is in excellent agreement. The cross section for l mixing by each of the gases is found to increase sharply from n=5 to 10 and decrease above n=10. The magnitudes of the l-mixing cross sections are found to correlate with the low-energy scattering lengths of the collision partners.