B0−B0mixing in quenched lattice QCD

We present our results of lattice calculations of B parameters, which parametrize ΔB=2 transition amplitudes together with the leptonic decay constant. Calculations are made in the quenched approximation at β=5.7, 5.9, 6.0 and 6.1, using NRQCD action for heavy quarks and the O(a)-improved Wilson action for light quarks. The operators are perturbatively renormalized including the correction of O(αs/(aM)m)(m>~0). We examine the scaling behavior of B parameters, and discuss the systematic uncertainties based on the results with several different truncations of higher order terms in 1/M and αs expansions. We find BBd(mb)=0.84(3)(5), BBs/BBd=1.020(21)(16+15)(0+5) and BSs(mb)=0.85(1)(5)(0+1) in the quenched approximation. The errors represent statistical and systematic errors as well as the uncertainty in the determination of strange quark mass.