Internal Energy Transfer in Laser Desorption/Ionization from Silicon Nanowires

Laser-induced desorption/ionization from silicon nanowires (SiNW) is an emerging method for mass spectrometry of small to medium-size molecules. In this new technique, we examined the internal energy transfer to seven benzylpyridinium thermometer ions and extracted the corresponding internal energy distributions. To explore the effect of the energy-deposition rate on the internal energy transfer, two lasers with significantly different pulse lengths (4 ns vs 22 ps) were utilized as excitation sources. A comparison of ion yields indicated that the SiNW substrates required 5-8 times less laser fluence for ion production than either matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) or desorption/ionization on silicon (DIOS). In contrast however, the survival yield (SY) values showed that the internal energy transferred to the thermometer ions was more than (ps laser) or comparable to (ns laser) MALDI but it was significantly less than in DIOS. The internal energy transfer was only slightly dependent on laser fluence and on wire density. These effects were rationalized in terms of the confinement of thermal energy in the nanowires and of unimpeded three-dimensional plume expansion. Unlike in MALDI from CHCA and in perfluorophenyl-derivatized DIOS, for desorption from SiNWs the effect of laser pulse length on the internal energy transfer was found to be negligible.