A field experiment was performed to determine if food is a limited resource for adult females of two species of orb-weaving spiders, Mecynogea lemniscata and Metepeira labyrinthea. Spiders built webs after being added to open experimental units located in a mixed deciduous-pine forest in Maryland, USA. Each unit was a frame supporting dead branches of the type used by both species for anchoring webs. Spiders on half the units were exposed to natural prey densities only, while each spider on the other units was given laboratory-reared flies in order to increase prey availability above natural levels. Supplemental feeding continued for 2.5 months. At the end of the experiment all egg sacs were removed from the units. Providing additional prey did not increase the survival rate on the units (net effect of mortality, emigration and immigration). However, both species responded to additional prey by significantly increasing the number of eggs produced per female, indicating that food was a limited resource for these species. Median egg production per female increased from 34 to 62 for Mecynogea lemniscata and from 65 to 145 for Metepeira labyrinthea. Egg weight was not affected. Feeding rates and nearest neighbor distances were determined for spiders in non-experimental populations, which permitted evaluation of the experiment's naturalness. The effects of food supply upon the reproductive rates of the two species are discussed in relation to their numerical response and population dynamics.