Time-reversal violation in β decay in the standard model

We estimate the size of time-reversal violation in β decay due to the Kobayashi-Maskawa phase δ, and the θ term Lθ. We find that the contribution of δ to the D and R correlations is not likely to be larger than of the order of 1012|a|(|s2s3sδ|/103) and 1014|a|(|s2s3sδ|/103), respectively, where |a|1 for neutron and 19Ne decay. For the contribution of Lθ to D and R we conclude that it is not likely to be larger than of the order of 1014|a|(|θ|/3×1010)Q/(mnmp) and 1012|a|(|θ|/3×1010), respectively (the present experimental limits on s2s3sδ and θ are |s2s3sδ|103 and |θ|3×1010), where Q is the energy release in the decay. For both δ and Lθ the D and R coefficients are dominated by long-distance contributions. The small values of D and R in the standard model compared to the best experimental limit on T-odd correlations (103 for D in 19Ne decay) give potentially a wide window in which T-violating interactions beyond the standard model can be searched for. However, the range in this window that one will be...