Fluids of Particles with Short-Range Repulsion and Weak Long-Range Attractive Interaction. II. The Two-Particle Distribution Function

In Paper I, we presented an expansion of the pressure and density in grand canonical form and corrections to the Maxwell rule for a system of particles with short‐range repulsion and weak long‐range attraction. These expansions can be ordered in powers of γ, the inverse range of the attractive potential. It was assumed that the thermodynamic functions and the molecular distribution functions of the reference system, i.e., the system with only the repulsive interaction, are given. In the present paper we have calculated the γ expansion of the pair distribution function, under the same assumption. The result is obtained by functional differentiation of the series for the pressure and presented in the form of a series of diagrams. The dominant order in γ of each diagram is the same as the order of that diagram in the series for the pressure, from which it is derived.