A Metastatic Endocrine-Neurogenic Tumor of the Ampulla of Vater with Multiple Endocrine Immunoreaction Malignant Paraganglioma?

The present case report demonstrates the history of a 50-year-old man with a mixed endocrine-neurogenous tumor of the ampulla of Vater. The tumor was localized endoscopically after an attack of melena. There were no signs of endocrinopathy. A local resection with suturing of the pancreatic duct was performed. Morphologically, there were two different tissue types (neurogenous and carcinoid-like) with numerous cells and nerve fibers reacting immunohistochemically with somatostatin and neurotensin antisera: some immunoreactivity to PP-antibodies was observed. Still, after 20 months, the patient seems to have been cured by local resection.