Reactivation of nonassociative memory

The orienting response to an auditory stimulus, as measured by a decrease in heart rate, habituates rapidly, and at the same rate in preweanling and adult rats. Although adult rats retain this nonassociative memory for at least 7 days, prewealing rats show extremely rapid forgetting. In the preweanling, forgetting of this nonassociative memory appears to be complete after just 24 hr (Richardson & Campbell, 1991b). The results of several experiments in the present study with preweanling rats demonstrated that this type of nonassociative memory could be reactivated by presenting a fractional component of the original eliciting stimulus just prior to testing. The effectiveness of the reactivation treatment was critically dependent upon both the number of reactivating stimuli presented and the duration of those stimuli. Reactivation was also found to be stimulus-specific in that presentation of an auditory stimulus qualitatively different from that used in training (white noise instead of a pure tone) did not reactivate the memory. Control groups in each experiment demonstrated that the reactivation treatment facilitated retrieval of the prior nonassociative memory and did not produce new learning. A possible process through which nonassociative memories can be reactivated is discussed. © 1993 Johan Wiley & Sons, Inc.