The pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide was studied in 10 Kenyan Africans with Hodgkins lymphoma. The mean +/‐ s.d. elimination half‐ life (t1/2) was 7.5 +/‐ 1.38 h. The mean +/‐ s.d. volume of the central compartment (V1) was 0.35 +/‐ 0.12 l/kg and the apparent volume of distribution (V) was 0.64 +/‐ 0.06 l/kg. The microconstants k21, k12 and k10 were 1.81 +/‐ 0.84 h‐1, 1.90 +/‐ 1.080 h‐1 and 2.05 +/‐ 0.86 h‐ 1 respectively (mean +/‐ s.d.).