Proposal for Generation of a Coherent Pulse Ultra-Broadened from Near-Infrared to Near-Ultraviolet and Its Monocyclization

An approach for generation of an ultrabroad-band optical pulse (∼550 THz width) is proposed, which is based on mutual induced phase modulation of three synchronized femtosecond pulses in a short fiber. These pulses having equidistant carrier frequencies and constant carrier-phase differences are obtained from the fundamental (ω01), the second-harmonic (2ω01) and the second-harmonic-pulse pumped parametric (3ω01/2) waves. These are generated under the phase-matched, frequency-conserved and gain-maximized conditions by one common femtosecond pulse. Computer analysis shows that chirp of the composite wave at the fiber output can be compensated for by a spatial phase modulator and a 1.76-cycle pulse is generated.