On the basis of the Padé approximant method we deduce from the exact series expansions for the Ising model that the reduced magnetic susceptibility behaves at the critical point as χfcc[0.09923(0.101767w)]54, χbcc[0.152773(0.1561789w)]54, χsc[0.22138(0.218156w]54, χt[0.2432(23w)]74, χsq[0.35724(21w)]74, and χh[0.4506(13w)]74, where w=tanh(JkT) and the last figure quoted is somewhat uncertain. The spontaneous magnetization is found to behave as (I0I)fcc[12.5(0.664658z2)]0.3, (I0I)bcc[10.4(0.5326607z2)]0.3, (I0I)sc[10.9(0.411940z2)]0.3, where z=exp(2JkT) and again the last place quoted is somewhat uncertain. The numbers 54 and 74 have an error of at most 103, and 0.3 of at most 102. The lattices referred to are fcc, face-centered cubic; bcc, body-centered cubic; sc, simple cubic; t, triangular; sq, simple quadratic; and h, honeycomb.

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