An intron 1 enhancer element mediates oestrogen-induced suppression of ERBB2 expression

Overexpression of the ERBB2 gene in human breast cancer is associated with a poor prognosis and resistance to hormonal treatment and chemotherapy. Oestrogen receptor (ER) positive tumour-derived cell lines are known to express relatively low levels of ERBB2 protein under oestrogenic conditions, but markedly higher levels following withdrawal of oestrogens or administration of tamoxifen. Expression of the closely related ERBB3 gene, which co-operates with ERBB2 in cellular transformation, is now shown to respond to oestrogenic manipulation in a similar way, both responses being mediated largely by transcriptional changes. Six previously undescribed DNase I hypersensitive sites occur within the first intron of ERBB2 in cells that overexpress the gene. A 409 base pair DNA fragment containing one of these sites conferred ER dependent oestrogen inhibition on the ERBB2 promoter in two types of transient transfection assay. DNase I footprinting revealed four separate transcription factor binding sites within this fragment consistent with a role as a transcriptional enhancer. These findings implicate intron 1 sequences in the control of ERBB2 expression for the first time and demonstrate that one site within this region is involved in mediating the transcriptional response to oestrogens. Additionally, there is likely to be synergism between ERBB2 and ERBB3 signalling when both are overexpressed in response to oestrogen inhibition, thereby driving transformed cell behaviour.