Oral hygiene instruction using a self inspection plaque index

The need for proper oral hygiene requires large amounts of time and manpower, and relapse is still common. A self instructional manual and self inspection plaque index that were tested in a periodontal recall population are described. The program was tested on 18 periodontal recall patients over a period of 6 wk. Questionnaires were completed at the start, at 2 wk, and at the end of the experimental period to evaluate patient opinions. Presence of plaque near the gingival margin was recorded at the start, at 2 wk, and at 6 wk. Patients were provided with a self instructional manual which taught them to recognize plaque on 6 teeth. Also, they were given a lighted mouth mirror, a toothbrush and disclosing wafers. Initial, before-brushing plaque scores of 47% decreased to 18% during the 6 wk of the study. After-brushing plaque scores also were significantly improved during the study. Patients were able to perform the plaque index without guidance to a high level of agreement with a dental hygienist (r = 0.72). Furthermore, the program was well accepted by the patients according to their answers on the questionnaire.