Rubella Vaccination in Adult Females

In all but one of 35 adult susceptible females on a suitable pregnancy control regimen rubella antibody developed after vaccination with HPV-77 rubella virus propagated in cell cultures of duck embryo. In 20 of the 35 women signs and symptoms consistent with rubella, including rash, arthritis, arthralgia, lymphadenopathy, malaise, and anorexia, developed. The illness was generally mild and transient though knee aspiration and intraarticular administration of hydrocortisone were indicated in one case. Rubella virus was recovered from the aspirated synovial fluid of one woman with arthritis whose knees were aspirated. Two women were treated with oral methyl prednisolone for five days. The onset of rash was 12 days after vaccination, on the average, and the beginning of arthritis arthralgia was 16 days. Recovery was complete.