Observations of Gamma-Ray Outbursts from Galactic Microquasars

The BATSE earth-occultation database provides nine years of coverage for 75 γ-ray sources in the energy range 35–1700 keV. For transient sources, this long time-base dataset makes it possible to study the repeated outbursts from individual objects. We have used the JPL data analysis package EBOP (Enhanced BATSE Occultation Package) to derive the light curves and the time evolution of the spectra for the black hole candidate and microquasar sources GRO J1655–40 and GRS 1915+105.We find that GRO J1655–40, during high-intensity flaring periods, is characterized by a single power-law spectrum up to 500 keV with a spectral index consistent with that observed by OSSE. During one flare observed contemporaneously with OSSE and HEXTE, the GRO J1655–40 spectrum was observed to steepen as the γ-ray intensity increased. For GRS 1915+105, the spectrum during high intensity flaring periods can be characterized by a broken power law with a time-varying high-energy component. The spectra of these microquasars differ from the black hole candidates Cygnus X-1, GRO J0422+32, and GRO J1719–24, which have thermal contributions to their spectra when in high γ-ray states. This suggests that there may be two different classes of Galactic black hole candidates.