Interactions of Mn with other ions in wheat and soybeans

A study of Mn interactions was undertaken by growing wheat (Triticum aestivum) and soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr.) in the greenhouse over three soll pH levels (4.8, 5.8 and 6.8) and three Mn levels. Eight southeastern soils were treated with 0, 25 and 50 ppm Mn for wheat and 0, 2.5 and 25 ppm Mn for soybeans and the crops grown for 40 days. Correlation coefficients were computed for plant Mn versus other plant elements including P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, B, Cu, Zn, Al, Mo, Si, Ba and Na for the overall data by crop and by Mn treatment by crop. For wheat and soybeans the Ca‐Mn correlation was consistently negative and significant. The soil pH levels adjusted with Ca(OH)2 account for this correlation and other relationships found were most likely related to the soil pH. For wheat, Fe and B concentrations were positively correlated with the Mn concentrations in the plant. For soybeans, the Mn concentration was positively correlated with P and Zn. As the Mn concentration in the plants decreased due to increased pH, the concentrations of some other elements decreased also yielding positive correlations. There were species differences as to which elements were related to Mn concentrations.