Quasiparticle pseudo-Hamiltonian of an infinitesimally polarized Fermi liquid

We present the microscopic derivation of a quasiparticle pseudo-Hamiltonian for an infinitesimally polarized electron liquid. The Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of suitably defined quasiparticle operators. Our approach is based on a canonical transformation which allows one to replace the bare Coulombic coupling between the interacting electrons with an effective interaction between quasiparticles in which collective charge and spin fluctuations are explicitly accounted for. The relevant matrix elements of the charge and spin-density operators enter our theory via linear-response functions: the charge response, the longitudinal and transverse spin responses, and the mixed charge-spin response. These susceptibilities are in turn expressed in terms of the appropriate many-body local fields. As a consequence our method can be seen as an attempt to satisfactorily include in a self-consistent manner the effects of the vertex corrections associated with charge and spin-fluctuations of the electron liquid. As a result useful expressions for the quasiparticle energy and the effective interaction between two quasiparticles are determined. These can, in turn, be employed in a microscopic determination of the parameters of the Landau theory of the Fermi liquid. The generalization of our results to a multicomponent system is also discussed.