Towards autonomic workload provisioning for enterprise Grids and clouds

This paper explores autonomic approaches for optimizing provisioning for heterogeneous workloads on enterprise grids and clouds. Specifically, this paper presents a decentralized, robust online clustering approach that addresses the distributed nature of these environments, and can be used to detect patterns and trends, and use this information to optimize provisioning of virtual (VM) resources. It then presents a model-based approach for estimating application service time using long-term application performance monitoring, to provide feedback about the appropriateness of requested resources as well as the system's ability to meet QoS constraints and SLAs. Specifically for high-performance computing workloads, the use of a quadratic response surface model (QRSM) is justified with respect to traditional models, demonstrating the need for application-specific modeling. The proposed approaches are evaluated using a real computing center workload trace and the results demonstrate both their effectiveness and cost-efficiency.

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