Cognitive Functioning in School-Aged Children With Vertically Acquired HIV Infection Being Treated With Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART)

In today's era of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), few children with HIV-1 infection experience severe central nervous system (CNS) manifestations indicative of encephalopathy. However, little is known about the neurocognitive strengths and weaknesses of HIV-infected children treated with HAART. This cross-sectional study is the first to systematically investigate the relation between cognitive functioning and medical markers in HIV-infected children and adolescents treated with HAART with varying levels of computed tomography (CT) brain scan abnormalities. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Third Edition was administered to 41 vertically infected children (mean age = 11.2 years) treated with HAART for at least 1 year. Other procedures at the time of testing included CT brain scans and collection of CD4 cell counts and plasma HIV–1 RNA PCR. Although global cognitive functioning among participants was in the Average range, children with minimal to moderate CT brain scan abnormalities...